Mother’s Day Weekend 2022

This weekend, we will be celebrating all the mommas in our lives. The biological, the adoptive the guardianship, the kinship, the foster, the in-law, the step, the stepped-in, the stepped up, the unofficial, the in-heart. The mommas.
My mother read to my sisters and me every night. She made us beautiful paper dolls when we were poor in money but rich in imagination. She told us stories she created (even ghost stories). She sewed my theater costumes and a quilt that I loved until it fell apart. She made our lunches, often decorating the paper bags with fantastic drawings and our names in curly, swirly letters that made our elementary peers envious. She drove us to school, picked us up from clubs, helped us through hours of homework, listened to presentations and projects, attended chorus concerts, and encouraged us every step of the way. She made sure we had healthy food to eat, followed by the most delicious cookies around. She was and is a force of love and defined what home means to this day.
We had a home (many, in fact; we were serial movers). Wherever we were, it was safe and filled with our belongings. Whether they were second (third) hand, new or old, they were ours. This was privilege.
There are mommas right here in our community who are struggling to ensure safety of their family. The weight of domestic violence has rounded their shoulders and tried to silence them, but these mommas have pushed on, pushed through. They uproot themselves, leaving what felt precious or personal, and enter shelters to regroup and recover from trauma. They sit awake at night rocking their children, whispering promises, hoping for something different.
Shelters are a vital resource, but they are often places, not homes. They have been worn down, overused, under-loved. It is hard to heal when it feels like the very space you occupy feels defeated.
This Mother’s Day Weekend, Providence Ghost Tour is awarding our first “Good Spirit Tour” of 2022 to Help Her Home, RI, a nonprofit serving Rhode Island mothers recovering from hardships, including domestic violence. They design and decorate shelters and apartments so that these women and their children feel inspired and deserving of a limitless future. Join us Mother’s Day Weekend for our Friday or Saturday ghost tours and 50% of our proceeds will be donated to support their organization.
Please purchase a ticket for our May 6 or 7th tours at
If you are unable to join us but would like to make a direct donation to Help Her Home, RI, please visit their website at:
To my Sweet Mom, thank you for all of the heart you poured into our home. I am so grateful you were chosen to be mine.