Day to Night

The spirits whisper their tales in our ears. The trees arch over is, knotted bark wrinkled like the brows of centurions, silent witnesses to those who have sat at their roots, leaned against their trunks, climbed in their branches. The wavy glass in transom windows of warped old houses winks knowingly in the afternoon sunlight, decades of reflections shining back.
Providence Ghost Tour, our flagship tour, was born out of a love for these tales. Of course the emphasis is on our ghosts, the spirits that simply will not let go of this city, but all of it hinges on the histories of those who came before. They are a motley crew and represent every spectrum of humanity- noble and kind, gregarious and loud, sneering and hateful. Few are clear cut figures. They were people, just like us. They had dreams and joys, woes and foes. They made good decisions and bad choices. We can look back on them with crystal clear, 20/20 vision. They lived in their own time, within the scope of their era and the expanse of their knowledge.
Last winter, I began to dig. The spirits will always hold my heart and I will never leave them, but what about the spirit? What about just learning the history, the challenges Providence has faced, the reckonings with which our city and state have grappled, the stories of those who walked these sidewalks long ago?
Out of these musings and wonderful research in the Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence Athenaeum, and Providence Preservation Society’s Gowdey Collection, I assembled a collection of tales that captured my attention. Benefit Street was the scene for my newest inspiration and out of that scene “Parasols and Pocket Watches: A History Tour” was born.
Parasols and Pocket Watches is an elegant stroll down Benefit Street. It is a pleasant exploration of the many events that have shaped our city and state. It connects time periods and (hopefully) helps us find the common threads of humanity that defy time, that define the spirit of Providence.
If you would like a dose of history without the mystery, please join me for this newest piece of my heart.
*Don’t fret- the ghost tour is going strong and is offered nightly. You can just now enjoy us during the day, and then join us for the night. Happy hauntings, Ghosties!